Dr Chris Pocock
Vasectomy Surgeon
Chris qualified from King’s College London medical school in 2002 and initially trained as a surgeon in London. Having gained membership of the Royal College of Surgeons and a period as a specialist registrar in Orthopaedics, he decided on a career in General Practice and has been a GP Partner at Hanham Health since 2012.
Chris has been working as a vasectomy surgeon since 2008 and is Clinical Director for the vasectomy service covering Bristol in addition to working for the Independent Health Group.
He is married with three children and loves playing organ and keyboard in a local R&B band, tennis and running and completed his first marathon in 2023.
Selected Career Highlights
Chris has been a GP Partner at Hanham Health since 2012 And has over 15 years’ experience as a vasectomy surgeon and has undertaken more than 2000 vasectomy procedures and minor surgical procedures in his career.
Member of
Royal College General Practitioners (MRCGP)
Association of Surgeons in Primary Care
MBBS – King’s College, London – 2002
MRCS(Eng) – 2006
MRCGP – 2009
DFSRH (Diploma Sexual and Reproductive Health) – 2010
Dr Chris Pocock works at the following clinics:
Dr Chris Pocock performs the following services: