Hernia Surgery

Skip the waiting list – book your NHS hernia repair surgery with Independent Health Group for a low-risk, hassle-free procedure.


Short waiting time


Recommended by 99% of our patients


Friendly & professional staff

What is a hernia?

A hernia is caused when an internal organ or tissue within the abdominal cavity pushes through a weakened area of the abdominal wall. This typically occurs in either the abdomen or groin area and results in a noticeable swelling or bulge.

Hernias are a common condition that affects men more commonly than women. They tend to manifest quite suddenly and are known to commonly appear after performing strenuous physical activity.

They can also be incredibly discomforting and come in various forms, each associated with various locations within the body. Some of the most common types of hernia include:

  • Inguinal hernia – the most common type of hernia that develops on either side of the groin, typically caused when a portion of the intestine protrudes into the inguinal canal.
  • Femoral hernia – more common in women than men, this type of hernia occurs when an organ or tissue pushes through the femoral canal, a passageway located near the upper thigh.
  • Incisional hernia – this hernia develops at the site of an incision or scar, where the abdominal wall has previously been weakened as a result of surgery.

Do you need hernia surgery?


Once a hernia has developed, it will not disappear on its own. Therefore, surgery is the only method of repairing the weakened abdominal wall and returning the displaced tissues or organs back to their original position.

However, surgery is not always essential if your hernia is not causing any significant discomfort or impacting your ability to perform normal day-to-day activities.

Whether you need a hernia repair or not really comes down to the extent of the issue at hand. While it may feel fine now, hernias can worsen over time, making surgery a viable option.

The earlier you can have surgery, the lower your risk of potential complications will be as well. This can then improve your overall recovery time, allowing you to return to your daily life and activities sooner rather than later.

As with any type of surgery, it is important to consult with a medical professional if you are not sure. They will be able to assess your hernia, discuss how it is impacting your life and help you make a more informed decision. You may also find this additional leaflet useful in making your decision.

Why book your hernia surgery with the Independent Health Group?

Here at Independent Health Group, we are proud to provide high-quality NHS treatments to local patients throughout England.

Our unique community-centred structure allows us to offer NHS patients faster access to vital healthcare from a more convenient location at no extra cost. We offer hernia surgery under local anaesthetic.  If we assess that you need surgery under general anaesthetic then we will refer you to another provider who specialises in this service.

Offering state-of-the-art equipment, we have facilities throughout the UK, with each one comprised of a specialist team of friendly staff and highly experienced surgeons.

Following an initial consultation with us, we will aim to provide you with a date for your hernia surgery within 11 weeks. We will also ensure you work with the same clinician throughout, offering you some added peace of mind throughout your treatment journey.


What our patients say

Available at the following clinics:




Merlyn Vaz Health



The following staff perform Hernia Surgery:

Mr John Budd

Nathan Coombs

Mr Chris John

Martin Kurzer

Sachin Kulkarni

Brendan Mcllroy

Mr Himaz Marzook

Mr Bruce Braithwaite

Hamdi Ebdewi

Zibby Muras

Mr Adam Scott

Mr Mahesh Pai

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